Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Beautiful Blog Award

credit to Morning

Hi guys! I was nominated by Morning for the Beautiful Blog Award. Thanks so much Morning:) (If you guys haven't checked out her blog, you must! She's awesome)

So onto the award...

+ Answer the questions given to you
+ Give some answers for the people you nominate
+ Tell the people you have nominated that they have been nominated
1) What fandoms that you are apart of?
Doctor Who, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and so many others:)
2) What book/movie do you love but everyone else despises?
I have no idea! I don't really listen to what other people say about my favourite things, I know terrible of me.
3) Your opinion on biscottis?
They're awesome!
4) Lemon sorbet or key lime pie (for ice cream flavors)?
I must say I have never tried either, so I can't really answer. Key lime pie sounds nice though!
5) Do you have any weird pet peeves?
Not really, I used to, but I don't anymore. Funny...
6) If you could have any super power, what would it be? Why?
X-ray vision. It could be so useful to be able to see through walls.
7) If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
How to create amazing blog designs
8) Do you believe in miracles?
Yes, one happened to one of our friends family. It was amazing!
9) Finish this sentence ” There is beauty all around when …… “
We pray.
10) Why did the chicken cross the road?
So that it wouldn't become KFC, sorry this is terrible:P
11) Name one thing you would like to do before leaving this earth.
Step into every country:)
12) What has been your biggest challenge?
Doing my piano exam, I have only done one so far, but it took a lot! I learnt one of my piece in two weeks!!!
13) If you could stay a certain age forever, what age would that be?
Thirteen, it seems to be a great age so far:)
I don't really have anyone to nominate, so anyone who wants to do this, feel free!
My questions:
1. Who is your hero?
2. What's your favourite instrument?
3. Who's your favourite musicians?
4. What's your favourite kind of writing? Whether to read or write.
5. Who's your best friend?
6. Hot chips and fish or pizza?
7. Pinterest or Tumblr?
8. What's your favourite book series/es?
9. Who would you rather meet your favourite author or your favourite book character?
10. What's your favourite subject in school?
11. Photography or writing?
I hope you do this:)

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Love-First Try At Poetry

Hey! I finally found something to share with yah all:) I thought I would share my very first ever piece of poetry! It's a Acrostic poem, I think.

Here it is:

Little do we know what we have till it's gone
Out of everything, this is most true with love
Very often, we don't realise what we have
Everything about this is so very sad.
Is it any good? I really would love some feedback:)


Friday, 1 August 2014

What do I say? I'm stuck! I don't know how to first post, oops:)

Well I will just say, hi! I will be back with some great posts soon.
